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Date: Wed, 8 Dec 93 14:24:49 GMT
From: edwardc[at]-remove-aisb.ed.ac.uk
Subject: JB and drinking
David asks:
> lets take a vote...
> does chris get to stay?
hell, it's nearly Xmas...
Because Christopher confessed:
> Just out of curiousity, is it a heresy for a JB fan (me) to... not drink at
> all? I can certainly laugh at Soul Happy Hour, buwith regards to the
> drinking being a major aspect of a JB tour, I guess I miss the point...
Well, here's an interesting one. Does not drinking mean that you listen along
to SoulHappyHour in a state of slight puzzlement in the same way that
(perhaps) others listen to the intense, introspective, emotional trawls (or at
least the explicitly autobiographical tunes) without much of a clue?
By extension, if you don't come from Northampton is your enjoyment of
jbc-product terminally stunted? What about if you're not called Pat Fish?
Goodness, perhaps we should all give up now and go home. Or change our names.