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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1991
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Date: Wed, 06 Mar 91 19:27:07 EST
From: del[at] (David A Whittemore)
Subject: Edwards Closet

> Hello fellow Butchie fans! Well, I was going to be the first to report
> seeing 'Edwards Closet', but I didn't get the address right in time.
> Anyway, my first impression of it was that it was a live set? Too bad
> it appears it's not. Also, our very own David W. is again credited for
> pictures. There are quite a few on the back...which ones are your David?

ARE YOU KIDDING!?! i dont even have the CD yet.

they used more of my pix? wow. i feel... strange.
hard to tell you which ones they are... cause usually,
i only do B&W, but i *did* take a few colour this time round.

wow. i can hardly wait to see em!

thanks for the news!

"in the camera i'm a clown, and every move you make i write it down"