The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1991
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Date: Wed, 20 Feb 91 18:59:13 -0500
From: del (de l`abattoir)
Subject: letter from cornelious trout

da rekkid: spacemen 3 -v- the beach boys, on the mark, the part about
charles manson we will all have to wait and see...
the solo/due tour, i would image, would be with alex. he claims it would
be to test morale. i doubt he would make any money onnit, seeings how he
lost $$ last time. the 16 guitarist thing: well, you *saw* how much he
enjoyed the group thrashes at the end of the live sets... well, he has
*lots* of guitar-playing friends, right? its only a logical thing.
i, for one, am looking forward to it. i might have to buy myself a
DAT recorder for the next tour :-) am i insane? yup.

i read in the most recent alternative press that the new spin single
is to be produced by the jazz butcher. that man gets around..
he apparently also has his hand in on production work with a band
from vienna called the black egg. our friend alex, however, has nevere
heard of em.

c'est tout.

"whos that scarey man?"