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Date: Sat, 24 Nov 1990 14:03:24 PST
From: davis[at]
Subject: JBC!!!

Hi, Nancy!!

* Well, I made it to the JBC concert last night at the Roxy in LA! It was
fantastic!! First of all, Alex Green (sp?) the saxophone player did put me on
the guest list-- that was really sweet, I wasn't sure if he would remember or
not. I stood in your "favorite spot" with my friend Kristi, so it was almost
like you were there. It was great to be right in front in the middle the whole
night, even if we thought we might get killed a few times by flying musicians!

* Anyway, I guess Pat Fish (sp?) found a new fetish-- he went to a novelty
store and purchased several "Flat Cats"! They're great -- they're cardboard
cats that stand up -- he put them all over the back of the stage! The Blue
Aeroplanes were really good, although the lead mike kept going out. They
seemed a little bit reserved compared to Boston -- that is, the dancer stayed
on stage. For their last song, some of the JBC joined them -- I thought that
was neat considering they hadn't even played yet.

* Okay, JBC was incredible -- they really seemed to enjoy themselves. They
were set up a little differently than in Boston. Instead of having the sax.
and bass? ( or was it guitar) in back, all members were in front -- I liked it.
They all seemed to have more of the spotlight, whereas before Pat and the
long-hair on top guitarist seemed to have most of the limelight. Well, I was
able to get a song list -- this guy next to me actually fought to get it and
gave it to me!

WHEELIE was with members of the Blue Aeroplanes plus someone from the audience.
Oh, towards the end they brought out a stuffed crocodile that waved its tail
and bit at the air. Also, someone was blowing bubbles and at a crucial moment
in a song, Pat broke a big bubble when the music stopped -- it was great!
Theewas a heavy metal concert in a theater next door -- Pat was making jokes
about playing there. (It was a real trip when we left the theater -- all of
these people with long hair, boots, spurs, chains -- I felt short!

Anyway, I wish I could express it better, but I hope you get the idea! I
really enjoyed the concert. I was able to talk to Alex after the concert to
thank him.I would give you the song list, but I got his autograph on it. Also,
the song lists were written on the back of the Flat Cat packaging - I have to
show it to you. Alex said he wasn't exactly part of the JBC -- they asked him
to tour with them. He said he played on all of the David J albums (are these
worth getting?)I asked him about his saxophone -- it's a 1936 Conn!! He said
it was a really good year for instruments. Unfortunately, he said it would be
the last tour for the sax -- it got damaged a bit and he said it's getting too
maleable. Also he will be doing a solo project with the Sonic Boom (or
something like that) early next year -- it may be out in March.

I'm going to try to get my brother to go to their last concert which is in
San Francisco either Sunday or Monday. They are playing in Long Beach tonight.
If he sees them I'll let you know what he says.

Thank you so much for introducing me to this band and their music! I really
feel that they are good musicians as well as fun to listen to and watch. Thats
really important.

Take care,