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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1990
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Date: Mon, 8 Jan 1990 22:10:10 -0500
From: del[at] (del Amitri)
Subject: Jazz Butcher / Skinny Puppy link, maso

well, the record was really just the 12" of _spooky_
which had as the flipside an extended version of _the best way_,
so it was about this time last year that the single was released.

the CD is identical to the vinyl, except the songs which i listed
before were tacked on the end. the fold-out sleeve of the CD
has loads of butcher written tidbits, which i can xerox and send
along. yeah, i thought that i had the only copy in existence,
in fact, when i showed it to the band in madison, wisconsin, they
all gawked and said "gee, we havent seen the CD of this before".
BUT, the coupla people from that show who i talked with all had
that CD and said that it was readily available. but then again,
they are closer to canada...

i think that it is also available with the studio stuff as a cassette.

dont we all just know people who are bicycle kids?
