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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1990
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Date: Fri, 5 Jan 1990 14:08:31 -0500
From: del[at] (del Amitri)
Subject: fish stories

Mulreany played live... yet another super nice guy.
a trade would be nice. the erikson would be a great addition to the collection.

for a *great* live JBC tape, from 1986 (ya know, when Max was still around),
(everson[at] she sent me a copy
and it is fabulous! entirely different set of songs and band members.
from just before the release of distressed gentlefolk.

umm. i probably have a single tapes worth of the band goofing off
and playing acoustically. you could either wait until i get soundboard
recordings from martin for more live stuff, or i could copy a less than
perfect radio broadcast from new orleans (my recorder kept drifting
slightly off station, oops). the atlanta recording is ok, but not as good
as side 2 of chicago...

thats all the butcher info for to-day.
