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Date: Wed, 3 Jan 1990 15:37:34
From: sco!stewarte[at]-remove-ucscc.UCSC.EDU
Subject: fish stories

Yes, I thought that was a pretty interesting observation about
"The Party's Over". Interesting response from Mr. Fish, too.
I do have "On Glass", but overall I don't think it's nearly as
good as "Crocodile Tears". Good to hear that David is going to
be doing another solo project! Which reminds me, some of Pat's
comments might bear wider circulation -- in particular, I was
thinking that the info about Love & Rockets might be of interest
to the folks on Do you get/post news? If so,
you might want to pass on the L&R hiatus and the Butcher's comment
about the Bauhaus breakup and L&R's formation.

Personally, I've never cared much for L&R, although I quite like
some of Bauhaus's stuff.

Anyway, I thought you asked some pretty interesting questions;
definitely stuff more of interest to a fan than a casual radio
listener, but that's okay by me since I'm a fan!