The Jazz Butcher
VA: Can You Talk To The Dude #2
Release Type: collaboration,various
Media: CD
Released: 1996
Label: Aliénor Records
Catalogue: Alien 2
13. The U.F.O. Man
Pat Fish - Voice on The U.F.O. Man
The Butcher Says..
After a long sleep we drive the 30-odd kilometers to Breda and
join Marthy and his band, The Four One And Onlies, at their
tiny but beautifully-decorated studio. They are recording a
version of Jonathan Richman's UFO Man for some dubious
"tribute album", so we join in with handclaps and backing
vocals. We have some beers. Those that are interested in this
kind of thing are advised to look for the LP on Aliénor Records,
an independent out of Bordeaux, France, in the near future.
;;Pat Fish Letter: 1994-04-13;;/letters/94Apr13/tour.html;;1994-04-13