The Jazz Butcher
The Vaguely Familiar/Duck: The First One Thousand Years
Release Type: project,demo
Media: cassette
Released: 1991-07
The Butcher Says..
The Vaguely Familiar was a July 1991 project, put together at Richard
Formby's Woodhouse Studio in Leeds. The line-up was myself, Richard and
Sumishta Brahm (13 Frightened Girls).
Basically, I did the drum programming, bass and large electric guitars (note
how I "invented" Slowdive on Pedby's Grace), Richard did the mad ethnic
instruments and a bit of bass and guitar, Sumishta sang, played the lap
steel guitar and did a bit of electric 12-string. Any glockenspiels are
probably down to me.
Richard and I went on to try and rub the project up into a finished album
with a big session at Woodhouse in November 92 (during which Richard also
got into glockenspiel action, as I recall), but although we committed a
further ten or so backing tracks (including the truly awesome "My Milkfloat"
featuring a casio playing "My Desert" to itself under a barrage of early
sixties electric milkfloat noises, which Richard insisted sounded just like
Jimi Hendrix), we never finished them off. I still have the instrumental
roughs at home. Richard and I often talked of finishing it all off, but
neither of us likes the phone very much and it never got done.
I have spotted bits
and pieces from some of those aborted tracks showing up on Richard's Triumph 2000 LP.
According to my cassette, we recorded five numbers